The report looks at air pollutant emissions reported by the EU under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (the Air Convention) and includes a wide range of substances. These include the five main air pollutants (NOX, NMVOCs, SO2, NH3 and PM2.5) but also others such as heavy metals, …
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- ActeursEnvironnementEuropean Environment Agency
Transformative resilience: the key to governing Europe’s sustainability transitions in the polycrisis
par autosuffisancepar autosuffisanceThe EU’s long-term transition to environmental, social and economic sustainability runs alongside several large-scale crises. Amidst the ‘triple crisis’ of climate change, biodiversity loss and the impact of environmental pollution on human health (UNEP, 2020), we also face crises in the political, economic and social spheres, including the wars in …
- ActeursEnvironnementEuropean Environment Agency
Governance in complexity – Sustainability governance under highly uncertain and complex conditions
par autosuffisancepar autosuffisanceThe triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution is just one of many interconnected crises currently challenging European and global governance, as traditional problem-solving tools are proving inadequate. This report introduces ‘governance in complexity’, an approach designed to respond to sustainability challenges by appreciating their uncertain and …
- ActeursEnvironnementEuropean Environment Agency
The role of plastics in Europe’s circular economy
par autosuffisancepar autosuffisancePlastics are essential in society. Yet value chains are unsustainable — generating emissions and increasing waste and pollution. Reducing such impacts demands moving towards a circular and sustainable plastics system. This briefing covers plastics production and consumption in Europe, the impacts on the environment and climate change, and how we …
- ActeursEnvironnementEuropean Environment Agency
Europe’s air quality status 2024
par autosuffisancepar autosuffisanceAir pollution is Europe’s largest environmental health risk, causing cardiovascular and respiratory diseases that impact health, reduce quality of life and cause preventable deaths. This briefing presents the status of regulated pollutants in ambient air in 2022 and 2023 in relation to current EU air quality standards and World Health …
- ActeursEnvironnementEuropean Environment Agency
European bathing water quality in 2023
par autosuffisancepar autosuffisanceFrom the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, most of Europe’s bathing waters are of excellent quality for swimming when assessed against the two specific health relevant parameters (Escherichia coli – or E. coli – and intestinal enterococci) as required under the Bathing Water Directive (EU, 2006). This briefing provides information on …